Rev. Deborah Montoya
Associate Minister
Spanish Ministry
Unity Center of Miami is affiliated with Unity School of Christianity, publishers of the DAILY WORD, and a member church of Unity Worldwide Ministries in Lee's Summit, MO
Unity respects all paths to God; sees God as good and everywhere present; and affirms the Christ presence in all of us.
Our Pastoral Search Team is inviting the congregation to join in daily prayer for divine order and guidance as we go through the process of obtaining a new spiritual leader.
Senior Minister
Copyright 2017. Unity Center of Miami. All rights reserved.
Unity Center of Miami's mission is to teach, empower, and support adults and children in the transformation of their lives through their oneness with God. As we live our mission, we are mighty to attract our good and to radiate it to others. We join Unity Worldwide Ministries in a vision of a world that works for all.
Rev. Marvelle McIntyre-Hall
Associate Minister